Sunday, July 22, 2007

Gomen nasai!

Osaka Shashin is currently on hold. My parents are visiting, I'm moving out of my apartment in three days and I still have way too much to do. I may or not be able to catch up before I head home (I leave Japan on August 7th)...I'm thinking about just shifting everything back a month and posting the rest of July's pictures in August. But rest assured, I do have some nice pictures to post!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Shinkansen View

The view from the shinkansen (bullet train) is pretty.

This was taken on the way to Nagoya. Yay rice fields!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Pokemon Train

...I rode on the Pokemon train today.

...every single ad inside the train was of Pokemon. Even the outside was painted with them.

Taken on the Meitetsu train line in Nagoya.

More Tanabata

(Taken last year, near the Osaka Aquarium)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Interesting ad in the Hankyuu Umeda train station the other day...

Apparently there's a new TV show called, basically, "Cool Guy Paradise."

(No, I didn't watch it.)

Monday, July 9, 2007

Tanabata & 5000

Last weekend was the holiday Tanabata in Japan. Japanese people put up bamboo and hang fancy paper decorations on it. Then they write their wishes/hopes/dreams on pieces of paper and tie them to the bamboo.

In the basement of the Hep 5 department store in Osaka, they had one set up for the public to use. I wrote a wish down, too. Mine said "いいしごとをみつけるように".

I took a picture of the tree when I had finished. I tried to wait until the people left, but the longer I waited the more people came to write their wishes...

When I opened up this picture to send to my photo blog file, I noticed something. The filename my camera automatically assigned to this picture was DSC05000.

That means that this is officially the 5000th picture I've taken with my camera.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Triangle Park

Down among the pots and tree planters in Triangle Park, there was a small statue of a Hindu deity. I think it's Lakshmi, goddess of luck and prosperity.

I think.