Sunday, February 25, 2007

Taking a trip...

Going to Tokyo and Yokohama tomorrow! In honor of that, today's picture is from my last trip to Tokyo, in December.

This is Hachiko Square in Shibuya (taken through a window in the train station). It's supposedly the busiest intersection in the world.

I'll have more pictures on Wednesday when I get back!

Saturday, February 24, 2007


Last one!

This is an older picture, taken in August at my school's sports festival. (I can't post anything to identify my school or students, of course, but I think showing the trophies for the winning classes should be okay)

Friday, February 23, 2007


Number 2!

I get some interesting flyers in the mail. This one is for a mansion ("mansion" is Japanese for a certain type of small apartment) with a name I thought was worth sharing...


New rule. If I miss a day, I have to post not one, not two, but three new pictures the next day. So there.

Here's number 1:

This is a picture of Sumiyoshi Taisha, a shrine in Osaka. I went there on February
3rd for the Japanese Setsubun festival.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


So I've been thinking for a while about starting a photo blog of Japan - posting one picture a day, every day, until I leave. Here goes!

My first picture is from the Clever Cafe (though I think they might have meant "clover," judging from the store logo) in the underground of Umeda in Osaka. Their mugs all have cute kitty pictures! You can also see the shoppers walking by in the background.